
(1 customer review)

192 kHz sound collection of two antique german printing machines.

39,00 $


15 letterpress recordings

Different perspectives & microphones

192 kHz / 24 bit WAV files

Neumann TLM 103 ORTF

Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF

Contact microphones

Sound Devices recorder

Descriptive filenames

Embedded Soundminer metadata

2.6 GB Zip / Fast download


We got our hands on two functioning vintage Letterpresses: The motorized “Original Heidelberger Tiegel” (built in 1969 by Heidelberg Schnellpressen AG) and the pedal-driven “Boston Pedal Tiegel” (built in 1901 by Emil Kahle Maschinenfabrik). We captured these two unique printing machines in 192 kHz stereo from different angles using a range of microphones (Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF, Neumann TLM 103 ORTF, Barcus Berry Stereo Contact Mic). The 15 recordings are on average 4 minutes long each and include idle, run, stop, and different running speeds.

Recording session of letterpress sound effects

UCS Metadata & File list

Like all our SHAPINGWAVES collections, each WAV file in this library comes with UCS Filenames and 20+ fields of UCS 8.2.1. compliant embedded metadata (BWAV, iXML, LIST/INFO, Soundminer).

Metadata fields include: CategoryFull, Category, SubCategory, CatID, FXName, Description, BWDescription, CDDescription, CDTitle, Recordist, Designer, Artist, Manufacturer, Publisher, Source, URL, VendorCategory, ixmlNote, OpenTier, LongID, ShortID, Library, Keywords, TrackTitle, Microphone, Location, MicPerspective, RecMedium, RecType, Track, Version, ISRC.

Metadata translations provided in 40 languages (TSV/XLSX files), covering translations of Description, BWDescription, CDTitle, TrackTitle, CDDescription, FXName, and Keywords fields. We provide official UCS 8.2.1 Category/Subcategory translations for each of the 20 UCS 8.2.1 supported languages. The following 40 languages are included: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese Brazilian, Portuguese European, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Zulu

RecID AudioFileType Filename FXName Duration (M:S:Ms BitDepth CategoryFull Category SubCategory CatID Description BWDescription CDDescription CDTitle ChannelLayout CreationDate Recordist Designer Artist Manufacturer Publisher Source URL TrackYear ReleaseDate Mood Key VendorCategory Index ixmlNote OpenTier Channels LongID ShortID Library Keywords TrackTitle Microphone Location MicPerspective RecMedium Notes UserCategory RecType SampleRate Track Version Usage UserComments Volume Tempo ISRC BWDate ixmlProject BWOriginator ISWC
675 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Contact Mic At Bottom_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Contact Mic At Bottom 01:54.357 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, Contact Mic MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, Contact Mic MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, Contact Mic Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Contact Mic At Bottom 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Barcus Berry 4000 Europe, Germany CONTACT Sound Devices 633 STEREO 192.000 0 2 https: A6E4052D
676 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear Very Slow_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear Very Slow 00:48.567 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear Very Slow 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Neumann TLM 103 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: E076AA28
677 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear 02:35.492 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, TLM 103 ORTF, Rear Perspective Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Rear 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Neumann TLM 103 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: CF112304
678 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Side 1m_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Side 1m 01:48.573 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Side 1m 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: F22D1306
679 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Slow_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Slow 02:34.906 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Normal, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Slow 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 8DE183F2
680 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Very Slow_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Very Slow 00:40.327 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, Side Perspective, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, Side Perspective, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Pedal Boston Tiegel" (1902), Running Very Slow, Side Perspective, Top Perspective Letterpress Boston Pedal Tiegel Manual Movement Top 1m Very Slow 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-BOSTON PEDAL TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS MANUAL MOVEMENT Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 357FA400
681 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Close To Cogwheel Fast_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Close To Cogwheel Fast 04:08.084 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Close To Cogwheel MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Close To Cogwheel MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Close To Cogwheel Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Close To Cogwheel Fast 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: FE453614
682 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Contact Mic Close To Cogwheel Fast_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Contact Mic Close To Cogwheel Fast 04:10.069 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, Cogwheel Clicking, Contact Mic MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, Cogwheel Clicking, Contact Mic MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, Cogwheel Clicking, Contact Mic Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Contact Mic Close To Cogwheel Fast 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Barcus Berry 4000 Europe, Germany CONTACT Sound Devices 633 STEREO 192.000 0 2 https: 1C641364
683 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Front Slow Pneumatic_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Front Slow Pneumatic 02:34.873 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, MKH 8040 ORTF, Front Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, MKH 8040 ORTF, Front Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, MKH 8040 ORTF, Front Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Front Slow Pneumatic 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 8DC90C11
684 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Fast_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Fast 04:14.992 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Fast 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Neumann TLM 103 ORTF Europe, Germany MED | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 57D571D7
685 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow Pneumatic_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow Pneumatic 03:00.429 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, Pneumatic Pump, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow Pneumatic 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Neumann TLM 103 ORTF Europe, Germany MED | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 3E016971
686 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow 03:54.059 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, TLM 103 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 2m Slow 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Neumann TLM 103 ORTF Europe, Germany MED | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 31ED9768
687 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 50cm Very Fast_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 50cm Very Fast 04:14.790 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side 50cm Very Fast 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: D2B283F4
688 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side Narrow 50cm Slow_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side Narrow 50cm Slow 03:46.389 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Slow, MKH 8040 ORTF, Side Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Side Narrow 50cm Slow 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: BC9A8EAE
689 WAVE MACHAntq_Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Top Fast_SWVS_Letterpress.wav Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Top Fast 03:50.185 24 MACHINES-ANTIQUE MACHINES ANTIQUE MACHAntq Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective MACHINES-ANTIQUE - Letterpress "Heidelberger Tiegel" (1969), Idle Run Stop, Running Fast, MKH 8040 ORTF, Top Perspective Letterpress Heidelberger Tiegel Start Idle Run Top Fast 15/12/2024 11:04 PM David Kamp David Kamp shapingwaves.com SHAPINGWAVES https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com https://shapingwaves.com 14/10/2015 1 MACHINES-ANTIQUE-LETTERPRESS-HEIDELBERGER TIEGEL 2 SHAPINGWAVES SWVS Letterpress Letterpress, Old Machine, Printing, Printer, Press, Clunky, Click, Clank, Crank, Mechanical, Apparatus LETTERPRESS START IDLE RUN Sennheiser MKH 8040 ORTF Europe, Germany CU | INT Sound Devices 633 ORTF 192.000 0 2 https: 14DFF0A2

Letterpresses have a rich history dating back to the early 15th century when Johannes Gutenberg introduced movable type printing to Europe. These remarkable machines revolutionized the printing industry, allowing for the mass production of books, newspapers, and other printed materials. However, beyond their printing capabilities, letterpresses also possess a unique auditory quality: The distinct sounds produced by the mechanical movements of the press, such as the rhythmic clunking of the metal type and the hissing of the ink rollers, offer a treasure trove of sonic possibilities. By recording and manipulating these letterpress sounds, sound designers can incorporate them into various creative projects, adding an authentic and nostalgic touch to their projects. This vintage letterpress sound collection complements our “BIG MACHINES” library perfectly.

Thanks to Martin Z. Schröder at Druckerey.

1 review for Letterpress

  1. Serban Matei

    This library is a steal. Great price for the amount and uniqueness of the content. I’ve used it in designed some mech morphing sound effects. Perfect 🙂

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